PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia, a fast growing Food Company located in Bandung supported by the latest European Technology. In line with our expansion plan, we are seeking for highly qualified and experienced professionals to contribute in our super team for the following positions:
1. Finance Director (FID)
- S1/S2/S3
- The candidate will be responsible for developing, controlling finance department and re engineering our financial program which supports our expansion program
2. R&D General Manager (RDGM)
- S1/S2/S3 Preferably from food technology/food science
- The candidate will be responsible for developing new product pipeline which supports our expansion program and managing all R&D department
3. National Sales Manager (NSM)
- S1/S2
- The candidate will be responsible for implementing sales strategy for all regions, managing and controlling all sales activities in order to achieve the sales target
4. Area Sales Manager (ASM)
- S1
- Experience in handling one of this following area (East-South & Central Kalimantan)
- The candidate will be responsible managing and controlling all sales activities in order to achieve the sales target
5. Plant Accounting Manager (PAM)
- S1 Accounting
- The candidate will be responsible for developing, implementing and controlling cost control system in the factory
6. Head of Internal Auditor (HIA)
- S1/S2 preferably from accounting/finance
- The candidate will be responsible for developing & implementing audit system
7. R&D Unit Manager (RDM)
- S1/S2 Preferably from food technology
- The candidate will be responsible for developing & implementing and controlling R&D system in every R&D Unit (For sweet/confectionery, chocolate & formulation)
8. Brand Manager (BRM)
- S1/S2 (Business/Marketing Management), max 35 years old
- Plan & execute marketing activities in order to attain sales budget and gain market share for the brand/product
9. Consumer Insight Manager (CIM)
- S1/S2 preferably from a reputable Research Firm company, max 35 years old
- Manage qualitative & quantitative consumer insight/research activities of all brand and product in order to provide necessary information to marketing department
10. Marketing Communication Manager (MCM)
- S1
- Plan & Execute marketing communication and below the line activities to support brand and company image
11. IT Manager (ITM)
- S1
- Good Knowledge in Accounting/Finance
- Experience in implementing SAP FI/CO and SAP PP/PC
- The candidate will be responsible for implementing the SAP system
12. Training Manager (TRM)
- S1
- The candidate will be responsible for developing, implementing & conducting all the training activities to support company strategy
13. Trainer (TRN)
- S1
- The Candidate will be responsible for developing training need analysis, learning module, deliver, evaluation and improvement strategy
General Qualifications:
- At least 5 years of experience and proven track record at the same position from Food, Pharmacy, Beverages or Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industries (1,3)
- At least 8 years of experience and proven track record at the same position from Food, Pharmacy, Beverages or Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industries (2)
- At least 3 years of experience and proven track record at the same position from Food, Pharmacy, Beverages or Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industries (4-13)
- Will be based in Bandung (1-3,5-7,11-13)
If you are qualified for the position above, please submit your complete resume not later than 14 February 2009 and kindly mark the envelope with the position applied to:
Corporate Human Resource Development
PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia
PO BOX 1275 – Bandung 40012 (max 150 kb)
Only shortlist candidates will be notified
Nama:Antonius Freddy
Tempat & tgl lahir:Sby,20 Des 1977
Pengalaman kerja:
2007-skrg Senior Account Executive PT KALBE Farma,Tbk ( div Ready To Drink ) Area Mks-Kendari
2003-2005 Area Sales Coordinator PT Arvinda ( dist UFS )
TTl. sebakung 7 Juli 1985
alamat : jln. rantau panjang RT. 5 desa Jone Tanah Grogot Kabupaten Paser. Kalimantan Timur.
no. Telp. 085250559806
Pendidikan SI Kesehatan Masyarakat
Saya Sangat tertantang untuk Posisi AREA SALES MANAGER (ASM) pada PT.KALDU SARI NABATI INDONESIA , burikut lamaran saya:
PHONE : 081340770521
Job Experience:
PT.NICHOLAS INDONESIA (Sulawesi Maluku) Med Reps 3thn
PT.ABBOTT INDONESIA (Sulawesi , Kaltim ) Med Reps 3thn
PT.ATLANTIC OCEAN PAINT ( Sulut,Gorontalo,Malut) Area Sales Manager 3 Thn
PT.ICI PAINTS INDONESIA ( Sulawesi Maluku ) 2008 Until Now Area Sales Supervisor
Gustaf Baan
Yth.HRD PT. Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia
di Bandung
Dengan hormat,
Berdasarkan Informasi yang saya ketahui dari website ini,bahwa perusahaan sedang membutuhkan Marketing Communication Manager (MCM). Berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan,maka yang beridentitas sebagai berikut:
Nama: Erna Susanti, S.Pd
Tempat/Tanggl Lahir: Kediri,19 September 1984
Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan
Pendidikan: Strata 1 ( S1 Pend.Ekonomi)
Alamat: Kp.Regol Rt.05/ Rw.01 Des.Mangunreja Kec. Mangunreja, Singaparna-Tasikmalaya 46462
Telephon: (0265) 545619 Hp. 085228269998
Agama: Islam
Besar harapan saya untuk dapat bekerja di perusahaan.Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat saya,
Erna Susanti ,S.Pd