Lowongan Kerja PT NHM
Gosowong Gold Mine, underground Positions Available at Nusa Halmahera Minerals Karir
PT Nusa Hal mahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating a COW on Halmahera Island, North Maluku. The company is a joint venture between Newcrest Mining Limited (82.5%) and PT Aneka Tambang (17.5%).
The Company has the following positions available:
- Senior Mining Engineer – (SME)
- Mine Foreman – (MF)
- Mine Control Supervisor – (MCS)
- Jumbo Operator – (JO)
- Mine Electrical Services Foreman – (MESF)
- Paste Plant Supervisor – (PPS)
- Batch Plant Supervisor – (BPS)
- UG Safety Supervisor – (UGSS)
- UG Safety Trainer – (UGST)
- UG Maintenance Planner – (UGMP)
- UG Fitter – (UGF)
- HR Officer – (HRO)
- Pastefill Shiftboss – (PS)
- Mine Shiftboss – (MS)
- Mining Engineer – (ME)
- Mine Services R/H – (MSRH)
- Mine Control Operator – (MCO)
- Jumbo Offsiders – (JO)
- Blaster – (BL)
- Shotcreter – (SC)
- UG Fitter Trainee – (UGFT)
- Rebuild Maintenance Fitter – (RMF)
- UG Boil maker/Welder – (UGBW)
- UG Stores – (UGS)
- HR Administration – (HRA)
The positions are offered on 4 Wk /2 Wk FIFO Roster. An attractive package of salary, allowances and travel benefits is provided.
General Requirements:
- Having experience in the same position mm. 5 years (no. 1 – 12) & min. 3 years (no. 13 – 25)
- Bachelor/ University degree for Supervisor, Engineer & Officer positions
- Minimum Senior High School (similar)
- Computer literate and English both written and spoken
- Hardworking and able to work in team
If you believe you have the necessary skill, knowledge and experience undertake these roles, please send the application + resume with the code reference to:
PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral – HR Department
Po. Box 55 Ternate 97701
JL. Komakonako No.1, Gura Belakang – Tobelo
e-mail: recruitment@nhm.co.id
PT.Nusa Halmahera Minerals
Dengan Hormat,Saya mengajukan permohonan kepada
pimpinan,untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada para tenaga kerja berpengalaman,namun memiliki keterbatasan dalam hal pendidikan(non D3/S1).Dengan begitu saya pun dapat mengaplikasikan kemampuan saya sesuai dengan harapan perusahaan.Atas perhatian Bpk/Ibu pimpinan saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Melky Mitchel
HRD Dept PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am very interested in joining a company that Mr. / Ms lead.I Nemangkawi graduate of the Mining Institute and now I have been working at PT. Freeport Indonesia in Papua Tembagapura Department Undergrund mine as a production operator So I make this statement with the actual
when needed I am willing to explain more details.
for your attention, I thank you.
I respectfully,
Isaac nuboba
HP: 085254351212 / 085254468767
Email: chemu_mcmoran@yahoo.co.id
Salam Sejahtera
Dengan Hormat
Maksud Dan Tujuan saya Ingin Berkarir di Perusahaan PT.Nusa Halmahera Mineral di Posisi UG Maintenance Planner (UGMP).
Dari Tahun 2003 Saya Bekerja di PT.Trakindo Utama Mining Grasberg Tembagapura (PT.Freeport Indonesia) Sampai Sekarang dari Posisi Admin,Costemer Service,Time Keeper,Dan Terakhir Menjabat Sebagai Maintenance Planner.
Saya Mengharapkan Informasi baliknya Melalui Email (abi_daud@fmi.com)atau No Contact; Saya 085244003323
Terima Kasih atas Segala Perhatiannya
Best Regard
Abi daud
PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals
Dear Sir/Madam,
In accordance with a job offer from PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals contained in https://www.lowongankerja.ws/25-positions-pt-nusa-halmahera-minerals.html, I volunteered to join in Pt Nusa Halmahera with the position of HR Administration – (HRA).
My name waty Sidabutar and I am 22 years old. I once worked in administration for 2 years. I have a good health condition and can speak English with oral and writing. i also have some English language certificates and able to work in team and individual well.
I hope your willing to take the time to interview, so I can introduce myself in more detail. (waty_filian@yahoo.co.id) and 085346184870 . I hope my qualifications and work experience in accordance with the needs of employees in your company’s .
Best regards
(waty sidabutar)
Saya menngajukan lamaran kerja ke perusahaan ini dan cv di bawah ini
Nama : Safruddin
Tempat/Tgl lahir : Makassar 28 Februari 1973
Alamat : Jl.tidung Stp 13/20 Perumnas Panakukang
contact No : 081343838880
licence : Simper/BII
pengalaman kerja
Thn 1998 – 2007 Bekerja di PT.INCO location Soroako
Thn 2010 -2011 Bekerja di PT.THIESS location Sangata
Saya bekerja sebagai Operatorr Alat berat
Truck HD cat 777C/D,Cat 773D,Cat 775F
Wheel loader Cat 992G,Cat 988F,Cat 996F/G/H,Cat IT 930
Motor Grader 16H
dimikian surat atau comment Saya mudah – mudahan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan,mohon konfirmasinya