Lowongan Kerja PT NHM
Gosowong Gold Mine, underground Positions Available at Nusa Halmahera Minerals Karir
PT Nusa Hal mahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating a COW on Halmahera Island, North Maluku. The company is a joint venture between Newcrest Mining Limited (82.5%) and PT Aneka Tambang (17.5%).
The Company has the following positions available:
- Senior Mining Engineer – (SME)
- Mine Foreman – (MF)
- Mine Control Supervisor – (MCS)
- Jumbo Operator – (JO)
- Mine Electrical Services Foreman – (MESF)
- Paste Plant Supervisor – (PPS)
- Batch Plant Supervisor – (BPS)
- UG Safety Supervisor – (UGSS)
- UG Safety Trainer – (UGST)
- UG Maintenance Planner – (UGMP)
- UG Fitter – (UGF)
- HR Officer – (HRO)
- Pastefill Shiftboss – (PS)
- Mine Shiftboss – (MS)
- Mining Engineer – (ME)
- Mine Services R/H – (MSRH)
- Mine Control Operator – (MCO)
- Jumbo Offsiders – (JO)
- Blaster – (BL)
- Shotcreter – (SC)
- UG Fitter Trainee – (UGFT)
- Rebuild Maintenance Fitter – (RMF)
- UG Boil maker/Welder – (UGBW)
- UG Stores – (UGS)
- HR Administration – (HRA)
The positions are offered on 4 Wk /2 Wk FIFO Roster. An attractive package of salary, allowances and travel benefits is provided.
General Requirements:
- Having experience in the same position mm. 5 years (no. 1 – 12) & min. 3 years (no. 13 – 25)
- Bachelor/ University degree for Supervisor, Engineer & Officer positions
- Minimum Senior High School (similar)
- Computer literate and English both written and spoken
- Hardworking and able to work in team
If you believe you have the necessary skill, knowledge and experience undertake these roles, please send the application + resume with the code reference to:
PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral – HR Department
Po. Box 55 Ternate 97701
JL. Komakonako No.1, Gura Belakang – Tobelo
e-mail: recruitment@nhm.co.id
kepada yth.
PT. Nusa Halmahera Mineral-HRD
Dengan hormat,
Nama : Stepanus
Ttl/lahir : Rantepao, 11Maret 1978
Pendidikan : Teknik Elektro Telekomunikasi Ukip Makassar
Alamat : Timika-Papua
No Hp : 081343667475
Pengalaman kerja:
1. Bekerja di PT Buma intinaker sebagai Mechanic Millwright di PT Freeport dari bulan mei 2010 sampai sekarang
2. Bekerja di CV Helai Sorowako sebagai Mechanical construction di PT Inco Sorowako dari bulan februari 2005 sampai desember 2008.
Besar harapan saya kiranya dapat bergabung bekerja di PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral.
Atas bantuannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Yang bermohon,
Kepada YTH : HRD PT. Nusa Halmahera Mineral
Nama Saya : Vendy Sendy Palit
Umur : 27 Tahun
Agama : Kristen
Saya perna bekerja di perusahaan bergerak di bagian logging dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai kasie. Logistik
selama 5 tahun yg lokasi kerjanya pulau halmahera.
dan saat ini saya ingin bergabung dengan PT. NHM dan jika ada lowongan tolong hubungi saya.
No HP. 0813 565 87088 / 0856 572 15120
sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat saya
Vendy Sendy Palit
Nama saya: SATTU,saya welder Qualifaid,dan punya sertifikat welder dan rocord tes welder,saya sudah bekerja di beberapa negara,terutama malaysia dan Nigeria. dan saya tamatan STM.saya sudah menggeluti bidang welder kurang lebib 15 tahun.sekarang saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan di batam.besar harapan saya dapat begabung dengan PT.NUSA HALMAHERA MINERALS. No.Hp:081341501788. hormat saya: SATTU
kepada yth,
Nama saya : SIMON PARANNU BORON, umur 34 Tahun. saat ini saya bekerja di PT. Trakindo Utama site PT. Freeport Indonesia, jabatan saya sekarang Mechanic Caterpillar. saya bekerja di Trakindo dari Tahun 2006 sampai sekarang. besar harapan saya untuk dapat bergabung dengan PT. NHM. terima kasih.
no. HP. 081354008956.
TO : Human Resources Department Manager
Subject: Letter of Application
Dear Sir,
Here I with I would to apply for the vacancy at your company. I want to apply for the
Position as Fitter.
I am Bambang Wahyudi, 30 years old, graduated of Technical high school, Automotive Department. My experience is Part Officer at PT Indotruck Utama (Volvo trucks) from February 2002 up to January 2007. I am responsible for handling customer request parts, from quotation until invoicing.
I am working in PT ALUN (Renault Trucks) Sole Agent of Renault trucks in Indonesia, as mechanic for maintenance and repair Renault truck complete with trailers from August 2008 up to May 2009.
Now I am joint with PT BUMA(Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama). I also can speak English orally and written, familiar with computer application such as Ms. Words, Ms. excel, internet and other windows application.
In line with the above, here with I enclosed my Curriculum Vitae
I hopeful that my application is able to fulfill your requirement. I am looking forward for further interview. Thank you for your attention.
Please cal to tell me that you wish to have me come to your office for an interview.
My phone number 081381315133 / 081328011027
Yours truly,
Bambang Wahyudi