The leading and largest rigid plastic packaging company in Indonesia and publicly listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange is looking for highly qualified professionals. We need people who are self-motivated and team players, good in following skills of which are English both oral and written, communication and interpersonal, and computer skills, to join us in a competitive environment for the following position:
CNC Milling Operator (Code: CNC)
- Maximum 25 years old
- STM or Diploma Degree in Mechanical Engineering (majoring in production machine)
- Minimum GPA is 2.6
- At least 1 years experience as CNC Milling Operator.
- Skills required: TOOL MAKING, able to operate CNC machine (Computer Numerical Control).
- Will be located in Tangerang Area.
Please submit your application letter, comprehensive resume, with a recent photograph (size of 3×4) and quote the position code on the top left envelope to:
Corporate HRD
PT Dynaplast Tbk.
Dynaplast Tower 9-10th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811
Nama : Ahmad Aji Prastyo
Pendidian trakhir : smk T. Mesin
Umur : 24 Tahun
Pengalaman : Operator mesin cnc dari thn 2014-2015
No Hp : 085287195198
Siap Bekaerja
nama:ahmad nawawi
pendidian trakhir:smk otomotif
umur:30 thn
pengalaman:di mesin cnc dari thn 2009-2017(masi kerja)
no hp:089509253184
apabila bapak/i berkenankan saya u/ bergabung di prusahaan yg bapak/i pimpin saya siap.trmkasih tas perhatiany.
Nama saya saimin pernah bekerja selama 6 tahun sebagai operator cnc milling, cnc wire cut, cnc edm, dan surfice grinding
Apabila baoak/ibu berkenan mempekerjakan saya harap hub 0895347787882
Nama saya : Slamet Supriyadi.
Pengalaman Cad cam. Programer cnc. Supervisor. Pengalaman di cnc lebih dari 15 tahun..
Pengen bisa bekerja di perusahaan ini sebagai programer atau operator maching center
Nama saya rudianto siregar,saya berminat ingin bergabung bapak/ibu pimpin.pengalaman saya pernah ngoperasikan m/c fanuc cnc10 tahun m/hattritmen caburizing 1 tahun 5 bulan,dan mentenece 5 bulan demikian informasi ini saya buat.bila bapak/ibu pimpinan berkenan hub.081288768445