An Administration Officer
For Project Implementation Unit (Local-hired)
A. Background
The Multi-Donor Trade and Investment Facility (MDFTIC) has been established by the World Bank with the financial support from the Dutch government under the initiative of the Government of Indonesia in order to addresses a request the Ministry of Trade (MoT) to support its capacity building efforts and harmonize donor assistance; and a request from the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs (CMEA), MoT and Bappenas for capacity building and technical assistance to improve the investment climate.
The MDFTIC consists of a Trade component and an Investment Climate (IC) component: the Trade Component activities will center on setting up teams of specialists to improve MoT’s institutional structure, improving Human Resource training management to increase skill of staff, and providing policy advisory work so that the MoT can take more informed policy decisions. The IC Component activities will center around capacity building for better policy coordination, technical assistance on regulatory reform and access to finance to increase reform impact, and providing policy advisory work for more informed policy decisions on IC.
The MDF is administered by the World Bank, and project activities under the MDF are jointly executed by the World Bank and Recipients, namely MoT, CMEA and other relevant entities. It is anticipated that activities for Recipient-execution under the MDF will commence in early 2009.
For the purpose of coordinating and supervising implementation of MDFTIC project activities executed by the Recipients, two Project Implementation Units (PIUs) for each Trade and IC component will be established at MoT and CMEA, respectively. In the first year, MoT will establish one to cover activities under itself and CMEA, and in the second year, when CMEA establishes another PIU, the MoT-PIU and CMEA-PIU will take care of respective activities. A PIU is formed of a) Head of PIU, b) In charge officer for project implementation, c) Coordinator officer for procurement activities, d) Coordinator officer for financial management activities, d) Coordinator officer for working unit cooperation, e) Members, Financial management team, procurement officers, who are existing government staff members within the Financial and Procurement units in each Ministry not being envisaged that the PIU will need to be staffed by government staff members on a full time basis. In addition to these government staff members of PIUs, three external consultants will be hired to each PIU who are given special tasks of (a) financial management, (b) procurement and (c) administration.
This Terms of Reference sets out for the administration officer, and the details are provided in the following sections.
B. Scope of Assignment
1. S/he will work on project administration for the PIUs established in the Ministry of Trade. Her/his tasks include:
- Provide quality administrative support to the PIU in preparing project documents; entering and retrieving data; formatting and editing report, maintaining inventory lists.
- Advice the PIU members to set up the letters and memos concept/draft prepared by the Head of PIU according to the World Bank guidelines;
- Advice the PIU members to process consultant’s contract, appointment letters, and process and follow up payment, liaise with Bureau of Planning.
- Assist the PIU members to maintain project and other records in accordance with system in the working unit;
- Assist the PIU members to ensure smooth flow of information among other consultants or team in the unit.
- Assist the PIU members to provide logistical support for missions and participate in mission, if required, under specific term of reference. Participate in wrap up, internal teams meeting (including meeting through audio/video conferences), seminar/workshop, and follow up upon request from team members and correspond with them appropriately.
- Provide back up support to other consultants as required by the work program, especially during peak periods / absences including undertaking ad hoc duties as may be assigned.
- Advice the PIU members to undertaking routine task for the preparation team.
2. It requires frequent interaction with World Bank staff and government staff members. The assignment will be initially for 1 year, with the possibility of an extension based on her/his performance.
C. Deliverables
S/he shall prepare quarterly progress reports (physical) for all activities under the project in the compilation of the Financial Monitoring Reports and the procurement parts of such report which shall regularly be submitted to the World Bank on quarterly basis.
D. Requirements
- A Masters degree preferably or a Bachelor degree in either of Economics, Finance, Engineering or other relevant topics from a recognized university.
- At least 5 years of experience in administration as officer capacity.
- Experience in assisting governments will be an advantage.
- Experience in the areas of project administration in the World Bank funded Projects will be an advantage.
- Strong communications skills, both in English and Indonesian, and supported by a strong ethical foundation are essential.
E. Reporting
S/he will directly report to Head of PIU of the Ministry of Trade (Head of Planning Bureau). In addition, s/he shall maintain close contact with the MDFTIC Coordinator officers where necessary.
F. Duration: [ 12 ] months, to be determined
G. Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
H. Recruitment process: Hard copy of the documents should be submitted to:
Head of Planning Bureau
Ministry of Trade
6th Floor Main Building
Jl. M.I Ridwan Rais No. 5
Jakarta Pusat
Telephone : 021-23528441
Faximile : 021-23528451
apa ya syarat buat melamar pekerjaan ini ya??????????????
bantu aku ya
I want tojob with good for my life