An international Oil & Gas company has a job opening for immediate employment as below:
1. Sr. Reservoir Engineer
- Having experiences in Oil & Gas industry
- National citizen
- Efficient in written and spoken English
- Minimum university degree majoring Petroleum Engineering (or any related discipline)
- Age between 35 – 56 years old
- Minimum of 6 – 10 years knowledge and have experience with the application of traditional and non-traditional reservoir engineering techniques including decline curve analysis, volumetric analysis, well test analysis, material balance, pressure transient analysis, economic and risk analysis and other aspects or reservoir engineering
- Software knowledge: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, Access), Economic & Risk Analysis software is required, ARIES experience is preferred. Public Information Systems (PI / Power tools / Drilling info), Eclipse (or related reservoir modeling software), PANSYSTEM (or related pressure transient analysis software)
- Having self esteem, minimal supervision
- Experience working in North Sumatera is preferable
- Expert at fractured reservoirs, carbonates and basement
- Able to build the reservoir and production engineering department and mentor junior staff
2. IT Support Specialist
- Male / Female, min.30 years old
- National Citizen
- Efficient in written and spoken English
- Min. Diploma degree (D3) in Information Technology
- Experience min.6 years in IT position
- Familiar with Hardware/Software, LAN and mail server, internet programmed, and update website
- Familiar with MySQL and PHP, SQL server admin, Foxpro database
- Good in interpersonal & communication skills, energetic & well organize
- Support the Local Area Network and all associated hardware
- Support Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate and Linux operating systems on the client machines
- Expert at configuring and maintaining Microsoft Exchange e-mail server
- Expert knowledge and experience with Cyberoam appliance
- Expert knowledge and experience with Microsoft Small Business Server 2008
- Document weekly activity and provide management with regular status reports
- Proven customer support / communication skills
If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph before 25 Dec 2010 (PLS ADV) to
kepada yth
HRD Manager
IT Support Specialist Triangle Pase Inc
Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini saya sampaikan bahwa sayaberminat untuk bergabung dalam perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.Berikut adalah data pribadi saya sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi Bapak/Ibu:
Nama :Mulyono
Domisili :Bekasi
Pendidikan:STM negeri Pariaman.
Telp :081284769754.
Saya akan sangat senang bila Bapak/Ibu memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk bergabung di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Saya berlatar belakang seorang mechanic Automotive dan 3 tahun terakhir saya sebagai mechanic Genset produck Deutz,Perkin,Cummin dll dan menguasai Engine Over Houl berikut kelistrikan.
Besar harapan say untuk diberi kesempatan wawancara dan dapat menjelaskan lebih mendalam mengenai diri saya.Seperti ya g tersirat di resume,saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan,pengalaman potensi seorang pekerja keras.
Demikian saya sampaikan,atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
Saya mahasiswa semester akhir di UPI-YPTK Padang jurusan sistem informasi, IPK saat ini 3.51, pernah bekerja sebagai asisten labor komputer UPI-YPTK selama 3 semester, mengerti Jaringan, SO Windows, Linux, Ms. Office, Database(MySQL, Oracle), Bahasa Pemrograman Java, VB. Saya mampu bekerja dalam team ataupun individu. Saya tinggal menunggu sidang komprehensif bulan februari 2011(Masa studi saya 7 semester).
Judul Judul TA saya “Aplikasi Client-Server dalam perancangan sistem informasi akademik pada SMA N 2 Duri Riau didukung dengan bahasa pemrograman java dan database Oracle”
No hp : 085278066625