Urgently Required
We, an Oil & Gas Engineering Company, are seeking for new people to strengthen our team. What we need are:
1. Process Engineer (PE)
2. Mechanical Engineer (ME)
3. Pipeline Engineer (PPE)
4. Civil and Structural Engineer (CSE)
5. Electrical Engineer (EE)
6. Instrumentation and Control Engineer (ICE)
7. Process Supervisor (PS)
8. Mechanical Supervisor (MS)
9. Electrical Supervisor (ES)
10. Instrument Supervisor (IS)
11. Production/Operator (P/O)
1. Educational Background: S1: Position No. 1,2,3,4,5,6 STM/ D3: Position No. 7,8,9,10,11
2. Working Experience: Minimum 5 (five) years
3. Having excellent communication skills either verbally or in written, especially in English Language
4. Having good personality
If you are interested, please send your application letter together with your recent photograph and copies of certificates to: PO Box 6818/JKS RB/2068 or hrd@tra-Indonesia.com
nama saya azrian,umur saya 17th,setelah taat saya akan bekerja di PLN persero,jurusan saya tekhnik elektro dengan jurusan audio vidio,
saya sekarang lgi Un setelah taat nnti saya mau elaar kerja di PLN tersebut..
by azrian rahmanda
nama saya Leonardo umur 22, saya baru menyelesaikan kuliah saya di UNIMED jurusan T mesin D3 Produksi. saya berharap bapak/ibu HRD memberi kesempatan buat saya bergabung di Perusahaan yang bapak pimpin. no HP saya 085767506076
nama saya jati,umur saya 25 th,saya ingin melamar pekerjaan sebagai mechanic,saya pernah kerja di PT.INTRACO ADHITAMA surabaya,dan sampai sekarang saya masih kerja di PT.HEXINDO ADIPERKASA balikpapan sebagai mechanic.no hp saya;081333717922
With respect
appropriate advertising, I below:
Name : Ahmad irfangi
Address : Perumh masyeba .Batu aji ,P. Batam
Phone : +6281270889899
expert : Supervisor Fitter
Experience : 8 Years
work applied to the code (PS)
I hope to receive in the company in
Apologize for any shortcomings
I respect
A. Irfangi