Urgent Personnel Required
An Oil & Gas Service Company requires personnel for Crane Lifting eqpt project for the following positions
- Offshore Crane Operator (Code: OCO)
- Crane Mechanic (Code: CM)
- Electrician (Code: EE)
- Project Engineer (Code: PE)
- Project Planner (Code: PP)
- Procurement Officer / Buyer (Coda: POB)
- HSE Officer (Code: HSE)
- Age: max 50
- Prefer MIGAS B License (OCO)
- Must have knowledge in rigging (CM)
- Hold valid Sea Survival. Fire Fighting, STOP Training (OCO, CM, EE)
- Must have mechanical eng. background (PE, PR)
- Must have offshore experience (HSE)
Send CV to: hrd@cakradayaenergy.com. Put job code in the subject box. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Lowongan crane operator crane barge
i am syahruddin from indo my age 30 year,i am looking for operation now,before i work whit operator crane offshore as a operator 8 year, and i have,certificate sio,seaman book,bst.scrb,certifikate compotan operaton training.i would be willing to share a talk with you please reach me through my mobile number: 081230381221 or 085654117808. Or gmail: syaha.opr@gmail.com
yudiwan atmiko said:
my mobile crane operator, crane used to carry work PH 150ton, 100ton BELT LINK, LINK BELT 50ton, and usually serve cont loading and unloading activities at the port or depot, 30thn my age, work experience 1. PT.Mentari Sejati Perkasa bring PH 150ton. 2. Trans bring PT.Grogol Facility Project LINK BELT 100ton Ereksen / installation of machinery. 3. Trans Means PT.Grogol bring LINK BELT 50ton to didepo cont. I take cranes and has already 8tahun gas SIO A. I hope to be accepted in your company and ditempatkandi banjarmasin or anywhere. contact 0813 4492 8777 my phone or my email: yudi_stones@yahoo.co.id
Saya operator Crane umur 39th, punya sio migas kelas C, pengalaman dr thn 1992 di CV.Perhubungan-jkt bw crane Link Belt 50 ton, Tadano, Kato 25 ton, Di PT.Eka Nuri-jkt bw crane Link Belt 35,50 ton. Di PT. Tuban Suply Base bw crane Link Belt 80 ton.
Saya biasa melayani bongkar muat di plbhan, erection, setting dll. Yg membutuhkan hub saya di 085259594141 (Herdiyanto)
saya muh yunus.
saya berminat untuk mengembangkan carier saya di perusahaan Bapak/IBU,umur sya 32 thn,pengalaman kerja saya:
-sbg forman d terminal container 4 thn.
-sbg crane oprtr mc greggor d spb (Self Proppiller Barge) 1 thn.
-sbg crane opertr SKK d Barge sampe sekarang.
Mohon Bapak/Ibu bisa menghubungi saya di nmr 085831101277
saya operator crane pancang berpenglaman di darat dan di laut,bisa bawa crane p&h,link-belt,hitachi,cobelco,sumitomo,nisha,dan libert crane.juga penglaman di bidang mekanik khusus crane.siap membantu anda bila dibutuhkan di no 081378880883