Qualification :
- Male Max. 35 years old
- Diploma or bachelor degree in Machine
- 5 years experience in heavy equipment instructor especially in mining companies
- Training for trainers licensed
- Base in Kalimantan
- Able to work in a team
Qualification :
- Male Max. 40 years old
- Bachelor/diploma degree related to each position
- 4 years experience as a supervisor in open pit coal mining area
- Have a second class blasting certificate
- POP license certified, preferable
- Base in Kalimantan
Qualification :
- Male Max. 40 years old
- Bachelor/diploma degree related to each position
- 4 years experience as a supervisor in open pit coal mining area
- Have skill in Minescape or SURPAC
- POP license certified, preferable
- Base in Kalimantan
Qualification :
- Male Max. 40 years old
- Bachelor/diploma degree related to each position
- 4 years experience as a supervisor in open pit coal mining area
- Have skill in tyre maintenance & tyre management system
- Base in Kalimantan
Qualification :
- Male Max. 35 years old
- Diploma or bachelor degree in Machine
- 5 years experience in heavy equipment instructor or chief mechanic especially in mining companies
- Base in Kalimantan
- Able to work in a team
Qualification :
- Male Max. 40 years old
- Bachelor/diploma degree related to each position
- 4 years experience as a supervisor in open pit coal mining area
- Have skill in SHE
- POP & POM license certified, preferable
- Base in Kalimantan
Kualifikasi :
- Laki-laki, Max 35 Tahun
- Pengalaman Min 5 Tahun sebagai mekanik alat berat
- Memiliki sertifikat BMC
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Kalimantan
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Unit yang akan ditangani : Komatsu HD 465 up, PC 1250 up, GD 705 up, CAT 785 up, Leibherr R9250 up, Drill Tech DP 1100
Qualification :
- Male Max. 40 years old
- Bachelor/diploma degree related to each position
- 4 years experience as a supervisor in open pit coal mining area
- Have skill in monitoring and organizing in loading equipment, pit service, hauler, support & drilling, overhaul, tire & maintenance, dan fuel maintenance contract
- Have skill in budget maintenance management
- Base in Kalimantan
Qualification :
- Male Max. 35 years old
- Bachelor degree in Psychology or related to position
- 3 years experience in recruitment fields / HR
- Familiar with manpower regulation (UU no 13/2003)
- Able to operate computer ( MS Office)
- Able to work in a team
- Fluent in English
- Base in Kalimantan
Qualification :
- Male Max. 30 years old
- Bachelor degree in Psychology or related to position
- 2 years experience in HR
- Have knowledge about SPSS and HR Management
- Able to operate computer ( MS Office)
- Able to work in a team
- Fluent in English
- Willing to travel and work in remote area within short period
Send your application and CV to : recruitment@saptaindra.co.id
Saya sony kurniawan lulusan SMK Muhammadiah Gondanglegi Malang th 2005. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan sopir di perusahaan bapak/ibu yang pimpin. Saya pernah bekerja di Pt Krebet Baru selama 3 th dan memiliki sim B2,saya jugapernah bekerja di bengkel otomotif mobil truk CD sampai sekarang. Besar harapan saya untuk diterima di perusahaan bapak/ibu pimpin,saya juga bersedia ditempatkan dimanapun termasuk diluar pulau jawa. Atas perhatiannya terima kasih.
e-mail k1ky_im0etzzz@yahoo.com
Saya sony kurniawan lulusan SMK Muhammadiah Gondanglegi Malang th 2005. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan sopir di perusahaan bapak/ibu yang pimpin. Saya pernah bekerja di Pt Krebet Baru selama 3 th dan memiliki sim B2,saya jugapernah bekerja di bengkel otomotif mobil truk CD sampai sekarang. Besar harapan saya untuk diterima di perusahaan bapak/ibu pimpin,saya juga bersedia ditempatkan dimanapun termasuk diluar pulau jawa. Atas perhatiannya terima kasih.
saya mekanik alat berat di salah satu perusahaan di kalimantan kalau membutuhkan hubungi 081349672964 atau 081349443334
saya mekanik alat berat di salah satu perusahaan di kalimantan,kalau bapak membutuhkan hubungi saya di 081349672964 atau 081349443334
Sy pekerja keras dan berminat bekerja di perusahaan bapak,sy berpengalaman 4 tahun di perkebunan sebagai mandor I ,kalau bapak membutuhkan tenaga sesuai dengan pengalaman saya call 081227266262,terima kasih hormat saya Risol Kirana.