Security Coordinator Fircroft


Our Client, an international Oil & Gas company is currently looking for:

Security Coordinator

Job Description:

  • Responsible for all security matters in Indonesia and particularly the personnel security and plant security at site.
  • Managing respective organization and Human Resources.
  • Managing EHS function in the respective department.
  • Managing the administration and report.


  • English fluency in written and spoken is a must.
  • Able to operate computer.
  • 15 years+ of relevant experience relating to either oil and gas facilities in Indonesia or security services, with preferably the last 5 years in a role closely related to this position.
  • Has any necessary qualifications mandated by the GOI (BPMIGAS/MIGAS) for this type of role in supervising a national strategic asset.
  • Preference would be for an experienced security professional with strong contacts into the Indonesian security establishment and a good knowledge/experience of oil field security matters (and operations).

A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract top caliber applicants. Please
send your CV (in MS Word version) to:

  1. sya choirul anam,sya perna kerja di wim cycle 2thn sebagai scurity.dan pabrik percetakan .skag sya lagi nyari logan scurity .anda bisa hubugi sya di no :08816235308

  2. Mohon Izin bila ada lowongan Security Office Or Security simtem,Saya bersedia ditempatkan di mana saja di NAD.
    pengalaman Security selama 5 tahun di jakarta.
    Pendidikan Dasar Dan Lanjutan di Cijeruk Bogor Selama 2 Bulan Tahun 2006.
    tahun 2005 S/d 2006 di Pt.Khongguan Jakarta.
    Tahun 2006 S/d 2008 di Pt.Mustika Ratu Jakarta.
    Tahun 2008 S/d 2009 di Pt.Satos BPMIGAS Jakarta.

    Saya Ber Umur 28 tahun tamatan SMA.Tahun Ajaran 2000-2001.
    Tinggi 171 Cm.Berat 55 Kg.

    Skeell Lain

    Bisa Beroperasi Conputer Word-Exxel-Autocat-Paint.
    Dan Bisa untuk Internet.Sebelumnya.TERIMA KASIH.

    No.Hp :081210188220

  3. apakah ada posisi security untuk yang di banda aceh..?

    saya sangat memerlukannya…

    atas bantuannya saya ucapkan terima kasih…



  4. Saya mencari pekerjaan sebagi sekurity untuk penempatan di kota solo umur 21,pngalaman krja telkom save sebagai office boy 3 bln,di pt iss sbgai sekurity untk penempatan di mall of indonesia jakut sudah 1 th,bila ada yg berminat hub :085642008274 trimakasih

  5. saya butuh pekerjaan di PT ASEAN ACEH FILTILEZER, saya ingin jadi satpam…
    saya kuliah di unimal reulet,tapi saya sudah nonaktifkan kuliah buat cari pekerjaan,sampai skr belum berhasil..
    nama saya Ali Akbar,umur 20 thn,tinggi 168 cm.
    alamat saya Jl.Medan-B.aceh Gg.bahagia no.102A Cunda-lhokseumawe…
    No.hp : 085360005588

    Terima kasih…

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