We are an Oil & Gas Engineering Consultant Company, is currently seeking Indonesia’s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:
- Must possess Bachelor degree in Civil engineering from recognized university or institution
- Must possess 5 – 7 years experience in oil and gas industry
- Shall possess experience in handling engineering software
- Strong technical/engineering skills and knowledge of codes and standards in the civil area, plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
- Should have a strong motivation and effort to work
- Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships with all personnel.
- Ability to cope in a positive and productive manner within a high-pressure environment, while handling a large amount of detail as expected in large Projects
- Good verbal and written communication skills in the English language
If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application with detailed resume and your recent photograph to:
cc: recruitment@ptsynergy.co.id
Kepada Yth, Tangerang, 26 Januari 2011
Bapak/Ibu Personalia
Di Tempat
Dengan hormat,
Melalui surat ini saya :
Nama : Al Af Idah
Alamat : Jl.Raya Serang Banten Telaga Mas Cikupa Tangerang
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Pemalang, 16 Agustus 1990
Pendidikan Terakhir : Smk Pusaka 01 Jakarta Timur
Nomor telefon : 021 99248117
021 91902206
Status : Belum Kawin
Pengalaman kerja : – BKN Cililitan Jakarta Timur
– Naga Swalayan Pondok Ungu Bekasi
– PT.Technoplastika Prima Perdana Cikupa Tangerang
Saya mampu bekerja individu maupun tim, jika perusahaan Bapak/Ibu membutuhkan tenaga kerja saya siap bergabung diperusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Untuk bahan pertimbangan berikut saya lampirkan :
1. Ijazah
2. Surat Lamaran Kerja
3. Transkip Nilai Akhir
4. Foto Copi KTP + Pass Foto
5. Sertifikat Komputer
6. Sertifikat Pengalaman BKN
7. Surat Pengalaman Kerja
6. Hasil Medical Check Up
Sekian Surat Lamaran ini saya buat, Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat Saya,
Al Af Idah