As multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia, our people are keys to our success. As an employer of choice, we are committed to developing skills and providing opportunities for all employees. Our business provides integrated service in mining, civil construction, process engineering oil & gas and telecommunication across a number of operational locations throughout Indonesia.
We are looking for qualified resources for Trade Training Officer – Mechanic that will be based in Balikpapan.
This position is responsible to provide mechanical trade and allied training for Thiess personnel in order to increase the productivity, maintenance and improve personnel’s capability. Including to deliver effective theoretical training in accordance with Thiess standard; to develop, review, revise and amend training packages and lesson plans; to conduct assessment activities that meet company requirements; to be involved in the planning of training activities in order to optimise the training facilities and resources; and also to review apprentice weekly reports ensuring that the training is consistent with training requirements.
This role requires recognised Trade and / or mechanical engineering Qualifications or ex Thiess Apprentices with at least 5 year field experience; certificate IV in Training; understanding of Industry practice and standard; ; ability to work effectively with others and related to colleagues and ability to cope with additional responsibilities; computer literacy and excellent English communication skill -written and verbal.
Competitive remuneration is provided for the right candidate.
Closing date: 31 October 2009
saya berminat bergabung dengan pt. Thies. Sebagai mekanik. Saya pernah kerja di pt. Cipta kridatama dari 2004 sampai 2007 sebagai junior mekanik. Dan saya skrg masih kerja di pt. Leighton sebagai mekanik dari tahun 2007… Bila tertarik Hubungi 081347006622
dear eamployer,
saya pernah bekerja sebagai tukang cuci baut plus membersihkan komponent2 engine caterpillar di trakindo sangata selama +5 thn, saya juga pernah bekerja di darma henwa sebagai cungkil man selama +1 thn kemudian bekerja di buma sebagai assistant oilman & sebagai buruh harian lepas sampai sekarang.
Saya berharap bisa mengikuti interview di pt.thiess kalau ada lowongan spv atau supt mechanic.
kepada.. yg terhormat
saya sutarmin ingin menawarkan diri untuk bergabung dengan PT. THiess BPN. saya memiliki pengalman kerja d PT.GLOBAL SANTA FE (via) BBK. sebagai PAINTING dan ROUS TUGBOAT. PT.PETROSEA.HELPER MEKANIK slma 6 bln. CV SUMBEREJO PENDINGIN. SBGAI MEKANIK AC. dan saya memiliki sertifikat safety. HSE. jika bpk berkenan hub. 08547999158
saya ingin bergabung di PT.THIESS sengata,sekarang saya bekerja di PT.MARGI PURNAMA suply ke PT.TRAKINDO sengata,saya mohon di kasi info klu da lwongan di 081350035456
saya memiliki pengalaman selama 31/2 thn sebagai helper mekanik, di sebuah perusahaan swasta, yang mempunyai sertipikat baik. besar harapan saya untuk bisa bergabung di perusahaan bapa. nmr yang bisa hubungi 087816298183