A competitive compensation and benefits package, along with career development and corporate growth prospects, an emphasis on balance between work and life, and a multicultural and safety-oriented enviroment
RasGas is engaged in the business of production and sale of Liquefied Natural Gas and related hydrocarbon products. At present, the company operates a five – train onshore facility and one sales gas train at Ras Laffan, which is located 80km north of capital city Doha, in the State of Qatar.
We Are Pleased To Invite Applications for the Following Career Transforming Opportunities
Utility Operators
Applicants should have a minimum of 5 years experience in operating and monitoring the following plants and equipments: Boilers, steam generator, cooling water pumps and exchangers, desalination plant, potable water units, de-mineralizing units and softeners, nitrogen operators and cryogenic equipments. Air compressors and dryers, Flare system and sour/wet dry flare knock out drums, DCS, PLC, Foxboro, Etalba and Fire gas system, Permit to work system, Emergency response.
Permit to Work Controllers
Applicants must have at least 7 years experience in a similar role of which at least will be in a process environment and should be able to demonstrate previous experience of Permit to Work system and procedures, Gas testing and monitoring, Permit auditing, Emergency response procedure.
Power Operators/Senior Power Operators
Applicants should have at least 5 years experience in operating and monitoring Gas turbines with DLN Technology, Frame V/VI GE turbines and generators, Fuel gas/sour fuel gas system, Boilers and heat recovery steam generators. Mark V/VI speedtronic control system, Fire & gas system, Electrical network control system, Emergency response.
Laboratory Technicians
Carries out routine laboratory tests including obtaining gas, water, waste water and chemicals samples and runs several lab tests and analysis of all products and bi-products resulting from the offshore Production and onshore Process activities, in accordance with established laboratory testing methods and instructions.
Applicants must have a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, with good analytical background and knowledge of gas chromatography, spectrophotometry, x-ray diffraction, FTIR & wet chemistry methodologies, together with a minimum 5 years laboratory experience in the oil and gas sector. Must be Computer literate with knowledge of LIMS systems, with good written and oral English skills, interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.
This position offers an attractive tax free salary package and benefits including free accommodation with furniture allowance, educational assistance for up to 4 children, annual home leave tickets, full medical insurance for dependent family.
If a superb lifestyle, a tax free salary and excellent career development potential appeal to you send a comprehensive C.V. in MS Word Format attachment, quoting Job Title no later than 30 November 2008 to:
Head office: JI. Kapten Tendean No.24,
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720, Indonesia
Tel: 062- 21- 7191060 (Hunting) Fax: 062-21- 7191017
E-mail: rasgas.utility@gunamandiri.com
Yth.Pimpinan Personalia
Di Tempat
Dengan Hormat
Bahwa yang bertanda tangan d bawah ini
Nama : Ujang Shihabudin
Umur : 20 Th
TTL : Garut,12 Maret 1991
Agama : Islam
Alamat: Kp.Cimuncang Rt.02 Rw.02 Ds.Kutanagara Kec.Malangbong Kab.Garut
No Hp :087880333096
Besar harapan saya bisa bekerja d perusahaan yang bapak/ibu pimpin.Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
nama sy rajin simamora mau bergabung keperusahaan bpk,penglaman kerja sy slm ini sbgi operator mesin genset di power pln slm 4 thn,dan sy mengrti listrik dan mengerti sistim remot control,jd klw bpk memberikan kesemptan sy siap bergbung kpn bpk membtuhkan sy dan bpk dpt menghubungi ke no hp : 085654425249,081257093056.
dear.sy syaharuddin usia 30 thn,sy bekerja sebagai crane operator offshore sejak thn 2001 sampai sekarang dan mampu bekerja secara fisik,mampu komonicasi secara benar,mempunyai kualatas & kuantitas bekerja,mempunyai pengalaman certificate kerj.jika bapak/ibu menginginkan sy tolong hubungi ke nomor ini:081230381221 & 085654117808 atau email:syaha.opr@gmail.com. Trimakasih yg bertanda syahruddin.