Welder PT Supraco Indonesia



A Jakarta based company with more than 30 years of experience in providing services to oil and gas industry in Indonesia.
We are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant position of:

  1. Lead Engineer
  2. Project Engineer
  3. QA/QC/Safety Engineer
  4. HSE Inspector
  5. Electrical & Instrument Engineer
  6. Hull Structural Engineer
  7. Hull Outfitting Engineer
  8. Commissioning Engineer
  9. Mechanical Engineer
  10. Piping Engineer
  11. Designer
  12. Welding Inspector
  13. Piping Inspector
  14. Mechanical Inspector
  15. Foreman
  16. Welder
  17. Rigger
  18. Scaffolder
  19. Electrician
  20. Fitter
  21. Painter
  22. Draughtsman
  23. CAD Operator
  24. Planning Engineer
  25. Procurement/Purchasing coordinator
  26. Buyer/Expeditor

All Applications:

  • 5 years of closely related professional experience which includes offshore, onshore and engineering management
  • Broad and extensive knowledge of design standards, specifications, codes, and appropriate safety criteria
  • Strong organizational, management, and technical judgment skills
  • Bachelor Degree in an engineering discipline
  • Read, write, and speak fluent English, especially as it applies to technical and business communications

Send application to:  e-mail: recruitment@supraco.com


  1. Saya Hadi Pratama, pengalaman welder di Galangan Kapal di Batam.
    Saya membutuhkn lowongan Welder, sudilah kiranya untuk menghubungi saya ke nomor ini…( 0857 1423 3932 )

  2. Saya Hadi Pratama, pengalaman welder di Galangan Kapal di Batam.
    Say membutuhkn lowongan Welder, sudilah kiranya untik menghubungi saya ke nomor ini…( 0857 1423 3932 )

  3. Saya Ingin menambah pengalaman saya,terutama pada bagian welding.Saya pernah Mengikuti Pendidikan Pengelasan khususnya LAS MIG (CO) di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH yang bekerjasama dengan CATERPILLAR.saya sangat berkenan juka dapat bergabung di perusahaan ini.dan dapat menghubungi saya di no. (021)90667657/08567695586

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